Wiak Bakemarkt ve Sistem Fırıncılık – Wiak Gıda Ekipmanları

Wiesheu Convection Ovens



What is convection? What does its increasing depend on?

With the dictionary meaning, the word convection means heat emission. Heat emission means to show that an element gets heated through thermal energy. Convection increases depending on heat and there is a direct proportion with the increase of heat in convection. While cold pieces move downwards, with the impact of the heat, this increases much more. Thermal energy happens through the way of convection in this way.

What does convectional mean?

Convectional is a term related to heat, it is a word being used to give information about internal heat in the oven.

What is a convection oven?

Traditional ovens are called as thermal or radiant ovens, there is typically the structure of heating on the bottom and top of the oven. The working principle of a traditional oven is to bake and cook actively, yet a convection oven bakes and cooks by means of circulating the air .

Convection ovens taking place among industrial kitchen products and having importance for firms bring about baking by means of transferring generated air through fan in a different part. Thus, they are also called as fan ovens or fan assisted ovens. The main aim of using these alternative names is to highlight the air circulation being possibly provided by the fan equally on the product’s temperature.

How does a convection oven work?

In a convection oven the temperature gets activated by means of moving or getting circulated through fan or turbine. Being different with the traditional oven, only the required air is to be gotten, thus continuous and uneconomical airstream unlike being performed in directly heating ovens could be avoided. The main difference that the convection oven has against the traditional oven is to bake and cook the products in a shorter time by means of having the preheating. Further, in some models, the preheating is performed by the oven itself.

Basically the convection oven uses a fan to circulate the heated air in the unit for a more equally baking temperature and get the food heated by means of using the top or and bottom elements. This aspect shortens the time of baking when compared with a traditional oven. With this feature, convection ovens may provide qualification that they are not just ovens to bake a pizza or turkey. They are convenient with the features they have for the industrial and non-food applications. Technically, convection ovens remove cold air by surrounding the food in the oven and provide heating not to prolong the baking at lower temperatures.

Where are convection ovens used?

Convection ovens avoid uneconomical air flow unlike the traditional ovens, in this sense, they are preferred with the energy effiency they provide in terms of commercial use in kitchens being called as professional ones like catering firms, bars, patisserie, hotels. Once again the main reason for the Professional firms to choose the convection ovens is to bake the products completely and equally baked with the temperature, exclusive trays , pots being in accordance with gastronomy provide support in giving the best results through baking.

The clues and tips of using a convection oven

There are many reasons that you should like convection oven, two remarkably important reasons can be summarized as faster baking (*) (*the baking time is shorter with a percentage of 25 when compared with traditional ovens) and a more crusty brown form , the convection ovens that are thought as disadvantegous decreasing the amount of moisture in pastry, are advantageous indeed, they provide a crackling crust and freshness on the product with this feature. Generally, the upper surface regarding the products is to be kept humid when compared with the internal structure due to being equally heated, you do not need to rotate the tray in baking pastry as well, baking with equally provided heating is possible without doing this.

While purchasing a convection oven, what should be taken into consideration?

The factor that should be taken into consideation in the first place while choosing a convection oven is to know how the air grill works, to know about the locking mechanism is among the factors, to know the heating limits and voltage is one of the factors that should be known so as not to come across any failure in the long run and finally to know the system of programming in the oven and the equipment that you are about to choose are crucial points, especially with programming information (this information may show a change according to the brand and model’s structure), it will be easier to determine whether the oven will be providing the required moisture, temperature and time settings to you and it is appropiate for your intended use or not.

What is the difference between a traditional oven and convection oven?

A traditional oven is generally defined as a thermal cooker by its cooking method, since there is a method providing heat from the top to bake and roast in a traditional oven. Even an oven with basic fetaures has a thermostat controlling the heat, additionally there are timers to reach the desired temperature being used in this type of oven. While a traditional oven has a stationary source for heating, in a convection oven there is system with a fan to bake the products with equally heating.

In a convection oven, heating does not come from one direction, it is generally circulated for the oven, the factor enabling this to happen is that it is equipped with a fan. Thanks to this fan, the heating may be equally diversed and it allows you to have excellent baking results. Thanks to the equal heating, you are avoided to come acroos a situation in which one side of the product is overcooked while the other side is raw. Instead of forming hot points through convection baking – the equal air circulation allows the baked product to be covered in heating and it fills the spacing regarding air flow continuously.

Due to the flowing of air in a convection oven, this affects the moisture and it helps to provide a crusty cover on the upper part of the baked products. It allows you to bake many products due to air flow through the capacity of baking. Finally, there is no need to rotate a tray or a pot unlike you do in a traditional oven to have the heat dissipation at the bottom or on the top of the product exclusively while placing them.

What can’t be cooked in a convection oven?

The convection oven privileges you through baking with heat dissipation being equally provided. However, every product is not appropiate to be baked in a convection oven, there are multilayered flaky pastry with walnuts, pistachios, patty and bagels are among the products that cannot be baked, since these products should be baked slowly, deck ovens should be preferred instead of convection ovens.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of a convection oven?

It is known that convection ovens have benefits and rawbacks in terms of technical features. If you think that it is worth checking the benefits and drawbacks, you can read the following situations about the benefits and drawbacks.

In the first place, to talk about the benefits

1. You are able to bake more than one meal at the same time thanks to convection oven.

If you do this with a traditional oven, the heat capacity may decrease, since the thing that is to be baked may be slower or faster cooked / roasted. Wheras you need to have two separate devices to lead the best result in traditional oven, a convection unit, in one body, circulates the air by means of reflecting the heating on the products in the unit in a proper way.

2. The convection oven is the one that can bake with equally heating.

In a traditional oven, through its use, some areas will be colder because of the fact that the heating is not equally dispersed at the top. As heated air rises, the baked product’s bottom or top part could be much more heated vice versa, nonequivalent baking happens due to the same technical deficiency. In a convection oven, the problem of nonequivalent baking will be eliminated for the reason that air circulation will be provided with a fan.

3. The baking time in a convection oven is much more shorter when compared with a traditional oven.

In a traditional oven, a recipe being baked with 175 °C should be baked with 150 °C in a convection oven. The pot in which your meal is being baked may be heated equally all around, it is possible to bake faster in comparison with a traditional oven. This fast way of baking is not just something about timing but it will create a difference in terms of energy efficiency in your bills.

4. There is no certain area to rotate your tray in the convection oven , it should be placed downward in the oven.

You should have noticed the expression telling you to place the pot or rotate the tray in the middle of the oven or on the rack through the traditional recipes and traditional ovens’ use. It is mandatory to locate the meal in a pot or tray in a traditional oven since there is no equal heat dissipation. However, in a convection oven, heat dissipation will be equal, every meal is to be baked without getting overbaked or burned in the relevant temperature and equally heated.

5. Convection ovens provide a healthy and an equally crusty form in roasting regarding the food in comparison with the traditional ovens.

Convection ovens make it easier to provide a crusty formed cover on food by means of circulating the air equaly and providing the required heating with air circulation inside the oven, with this feature, it is possible to roast a product in a convection oven, classically fried meals may be prepared in a more healthy form. You can use a convection oven to prepare fried veggies, fried potatoes or any typically fried product both in tastier and more crusty and healthier form.

6. If you particularly like the craft cakes and practical pastries, you will love convection oven since it provides additional betterment in these types of products with air circulation.

The air circulation in the convection oven provides volume to dough and a healthier taste to the product, this makes it easier to highlight the spice or use of butter being equally noticed on the product.
Even if, it is not excellent for every type of dough, it is generally a good alternative for practical pastries and desserts. It is easier to use the fan in convection oven depending on the speed related to its model.

7. A convection oven is convenient in terms of its use.

A convection oven gives you the chance to customize your recipe with the feature of equally circulating air, being free of traditional baking settings, it is possible to use the convection oven. If you are using an over the counter model, on the device, there are scale settings enabling you to set the timing and temperature.

8. It prevents from dehydration and unbalanced heating being frequently experienced in microwaves (excluding the convection units with microwave feature*)

The main difference between a microwave and a convection oven is that the first one uses just the microwave heating to prepare the products and thus prolongs the baking and due to this fact, we can say that it decreases the moisture (dehydration). In a convection oven, heated air is continuously dispersed, the duration is to be shorter, the moisture on the product is to be more and there is the equal way of roasting.

Do convection ovens and microwaves function in a similar way?

There are also convection oven models with microwave feature, a convection microwave is to heat the products at higher temperature on the top, thus it gives you the familiar attitude a traditional oven provides. However, it gives you a more brorn and crusty form when you turn on the convection mode. The equal way of baking is also possible in a convection microwave. The main advantage that convection microwave provides is ist giving a variety of modes in baking at the same time, allowing energy efficiency and its main disadvantage is that these microwaves are considerably smaller than the general ones and they consume too much electricity.

There are drawbacks of the convection oven as well,

1. Most of the recipes you are about to choose needs customized settings with convection ovens.

As it is already known, traditional ovens are more common for home use, traditional recipes have been shaped within traditional ovens’ settings. If you are to use a convection oven, the duration and teperature ought to be customized. Unless you have the right settings , even if there is heat dissipation, with wrong timing, and unnoticed general heating settings, a dough you are baking could be overbaked or severely burned.

Without making a generalization, to set the oven at a lower temperature with 25 degrees would avoid a problem while baking the recipe at the settings traditional oven indicates. With such an approach, faster baking at a percentage of 30 will be provided, you still need to have time settings being set shorter than the regular ones.

2.Cakes will not blister in a convection oven unlike the traditional ones

If you are to bake many cakes and breads, a convection oven may limit you, you are not to have the effect of blistering in traditional devices since a convection oven will not heat a certain point to create volume and will make an equal heat dissipation. If you insist on using a convection oven, it will be better for you to choose the models enabling you to turn off the fan for circulating the air.

3.You are in need of using the baking pots and pans being exclusive for convection oven use.

Being different from the trays, pots and pans being used in traditional ovens, so as to allow the air circulation at the highest level on the product, you need to use unframed and low level equipment. In convection ovens with the right equipment, to provide the air circulation in the baking chamber in the oven, the equipment should be placed 2 inch far from the chamber.

Wiesheu Convection Ovens

Wiesheu offers its customers with in store baking through modern understanding and innovative structure, it provides this privileged service by means of having automation system and manufacturing convection ovens in accordance with the latest technology. Wiesheu owes its success to the smart memory system. This modern system standardizes the quality by means of applying the most optimum program for each product separately. Wiesheu Convetion Ovens being equipped with German technology, has the mission to make you save time and energy. Thanks to glass and fan technology developed by Wiesheu, the ovens function in reaching air circulation perfectly. Your products will reach you in a fast, accurare and delicious way. The oven models called as *Dibas, Minimat, E3 are the main members of the convection ovens in Wiesheu World.